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A Better Way to Make Resolutions – 2022

Photo by Waranont (Joe) on Unsplash

With just hours to go until the New Year, I want to thank all of you who read and have subscribed to my content. It means the world to me, and even more so if it helps you to make simple changes in your life or to start winning the battle against clutter

I know that a lot of minimalists out there like to write about New Years Resolutions, but years ago I came to the conclusion that every day is the potential for a new start. Why wait until Big Ben chimes or the fireworks bang? Plus, I think that if you fail at a resolution, it’s too tempting to write it off again until next year. When you see every day as a fresh slate, it changes everything and gives you the chance to try again without that feeling of ‘game over’. 

That being said, New Year is still a good time to reflect on the year that has passed and to look at what’s worked well for you and what could do with some changes. Is there anything you’d be better letting go of in order to do more of something you love? It could be anything from a pile of clutter to a toxic relationship or an old grudge.

For me, 2022 has been a year of huge changes and challenges. Not only did my husband and I start new jobs, I got a cat, I started a Youtube channel, then in November I suddenly lost my dad. 

It’s safe for me to say I’m not the same person I was in 2021, or just months prior. The enormity of the changes this year have changed and intensified my beliefs beyond what I thought possible. 

The passing of my dad shook me to the core and made me look at my life, my choices and my purpose closer and harder than ever before. 

That means working harder than previous years to help people declutter and simplify their lives, and to get back to my Youtube channel. It means more writing than ever before and creating more than I’m consuming. 

It means living in a way that is true to myself and accepting that I will forever be changing and growing, and that familiar things around me will change as well. 

Nothing ever stays stagnant. Nothing is permanent. And it’s never ever too late.

With that, I wish you and all my readers a happy and successful 2023, whatever success and happiness means to you. 

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