The Sober Minimalist – Why I’m Quitting Alcohol
Photo by Eneko Uruñuela on Unsplash Despite this blog being centered around minimalism, this weekend I feel like sharing that I’m 3 weeks alcohol-free (which is actually a type of minimalism for the body if you…
How to Drop the Guilt and Become a Mindful Consumer
Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash When I talk about minimalism, I’m not talking about never enjoying a purchase ever again, Neither am I trying to make you feel guilty about the things you enjoy. I…
- Consumerism, Gratitude, mindset, minimalism, Self awareness, Self growth, self help, Simplicity, Slow living, Stress
Longing to Live
Being out in nature really puts things into perspective. We are tiny in comparison. We have lived a fraction of the time of ancient trees. As early humans, we would have used nature,…
Dealing With My Old Journals
The other day I decided once and for all I was going to stop pracrastinating over what to do with my extremely heavy box of journals. I brought them down from the attic…