- Decluttering, Healing from the past, mindset, minimalism, Self awareness, Self growth, self help, Simplicity
Understanding and Letting Go of Your Sentimental Clutter
Photo from Jarmoluk on Pixabay Sentimental clutter. You’ve probably heard of it and seen thousands of posts and videos on the subject. There’s no shortage of this content because humans are emotional creatures,…
Christmas Burnout: Is It Time For a Change?
Feeling tired and burnt out after Christmas? If so, you’re not alone! Festive fizzle-out is all too real, and despite being minimalist, I often suffer from it myself. Perhaps it’s exhaustion from the…
Some Christmas Gratitude
A big Merry Christmas to all my readers! I’m so grateful for you all and despite the circumstances this year, I hope you have the best Christmas you can have, and above all,…
Life Update
Hi all! Just checking in here because I know it’s been ages since I sat down and wrote a post and wanted to let you all know I’m still around; I still think…
Everything I Own as a Minimalist Family
Despite knowing that minimalism is dependent on the individual and their lifestyle, I’ve always been a bit obsessed with what other minimalists own, so I made a list of my own inventory. I…