Stuff: The Thief of Time
It’s been a few months since my last post, and in that time I’ve become a mum again to a gorgeous little girl. I’ve also got back to minimising and simplifying, which is…
Re-simplifying My Life in a Time of Chaos
Being locked down during the Coronavirus has allowed me the time and extra energy to do some deep cleaning. Last week, I decided to go crazy on my living room. I mopped the…
Starve Your Inner Critic and Claim Back Your Power
Almost everybody has an inner critic, that snide, sniggering, scoffing voice at the back of your head that says you aren’t good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, strong enough, or deserving enough. And…
A Year Long Thank you!
Minimalistmojo recently turned a year old and I just want to say a big thank you to my readers and followers. It’s been a strange and intense year of growth to say the least, and…
- Decluttering, Healing from the past, Hoarding, mindset, Perfection, Self Esteem, Simplicity, Stress, success
The Helping Hand of Failure – Why I Recover Faster
I’m not perfect. Nobody’s perfect. Yet there’s this expectation in society that if you don’t have a high-profile job and don’t own the latest and greatest stuff, you’re no good. Marketers constantly try…