Site icon Green Clover Minimalism

I’m Making a Youtube channel!

I’ve done it! I’ve gone and written a script ready for my first Youtube video on minimalism and simple living. I don’t even have a channel name just yet but I’ve taken the first step.

My hope is to share the benefits of a minimalist life with a wider audience, and with a Youtube channel, hopefully this will become possible.

It’s also a challenge for me going into 2021, to do something I have never done before so that I can grow and, in turn, help others to.

All that is left now is for the video to be filmed and edited, which my husband has kindly offered to help with. I will be keeping you all posted on here, and am hoping that pretty soon one of my upcoming posts will be a link to my channel.

Of course, I’m terrified. My heart’s pounding harder just thinking about the camera pointing at me. But that’s part of the challenge. So even if my videos come to nothing, I’ve still taken a step closer and done something my old self would never have even considered.

After the crazy year that 2020 has been, I’m really looking forward to having something new and positive to jump into and learn.

If there’s anything you’ve been putting off doing, go ahead and take the first step. Even if it doesn’t work out, at least you can say you started.

Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash

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