Re-simplifying My Life in a Time of Chaos
Being locked down during the Coronavirus has allowed me the time and extra energy to do some deep cleaning. Last week, I decided to go crazy on my living room. I mopped the…
Stuck Inside – Ways To Beat Boredom and Maintain Your Mental Health
It’s like something from an apocalyptic movie; a pandemic has been announced, countries are in lockdown, people are isolating themselves for months, and businesses are struggling. In times like these, it’s easy to…
Starve Your Inner Critic and Claim Back Your Power
Almost everybody has an inner critic, that snide, sniggering, scoffing voice at the back of your head that says you aren’t good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, strong enough, or deserving enough. And…
From Chaos to Calm: How To Reconnect With Serenity When Life Becomes Chaotic
Sometimes, no matter how much you minimise, or how much space you’ve cleared in your home, clutter creeps back. The drawers you so carefully curated are back to looking as if an animal…
How To Minimise the Past And Maximise the Future
If I told you minimalism and self-growth is straight-forward and easy, I would be lying. Minimalism requires lots of hard decision-making, consistency, and dealing with memories both good and bad. Self-growth requires confronting…